Sell your music worldwide on all music services – without a record deal. How many albums do you need?

  • 1 album per year

    incl. VAT Start now ≈ 19 € / Album
  • 5 albums per year

    incl. VAT Start now ≈ 13,80 € / Album

Our flatrates are all-inclusive and contain all music services, promo tools, features, codes etc.
You get 100% of the incoming sales revenue and you can publish new albums every year.

If you need more albums, you can always upgrade your flatrate (even more than 5 albums).

Your Albums

An album consists of 1-25 songs (could be single, ep, or album) and needs a cover picture and the according product info (e.g. title, artist, language, songwriter, composer).

Your Contract

Your contract extends automatically after one year for another 12 months. With the extension you get new albums, unused albums expire. You can cancel your flatrate at any time free-of-charge.